UX New Zealand event update
The 2021 conference has been postponed until February 2022.
Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 restrictions and uncertainty we have made the difficult decision to postpone this year’s conference on 10-12 November 2021.
We are mindful of the need to put the health and safety of our amazing UX community first and cannot in good confidence host a large-scale event when new cases are active in the community (and our friends in Auckland are in Level 3).
However, all is not lost!
We’re going ahead with a virtual ‘teaser’ event on Friday 12 November, from 9am to 12pm (NZ), ahead of rescheduling the main event next year. Our UX New Zealand mini con will be hosted virtually and include quick fire talks, Q+A sessions, discussions, fun giveaways and more. We hope you can join us - details to come.
Meanwhile, circle 16-18 February 2022 in your diary now, when UX New Zealand will be back and ready to welcome you in-person in Wellington or virtually over Zoom.