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Andrea Bates

Andrea Bates

Co-Founder of the charitable trust Wellbeing Wellington
Wellbeing Wellington
New Zealand

Andrea Bates LLB/BA(Hons), MBA. Andrea is a Co-Founder of the charitable Trust Wellbeing Wellington. She brings her lived experience of Madness/mental health conditions to this presentation both as a person who has used mental health services and as a person who works in the mental health sector.  Andrea’s background is in law, management and facilitation and these professional tools are invaluable in her collaborative work.

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Testing the health of Mental Health in NZUX

Inclusive Design

Accessibility is a huge topic in UX, but we often focus on the easiest parts, the low hanging fruit. While important, things such as screen reader tags are technically easy to implement and understand. We're asking the harder question, "Are we doing enough for mental health accessibility in NZ."