Ruth has a broad experience in content, UX, and customer-led design. A data nerd at heart, she uses analytics, research and testing to drive decision-making, resulting in digital experiences that put the customer at the forefront.
Ruth is now a consultant, but used to be the Head of Strategic Growth at Springload. During her time Ruth worked on large-scale content and information architecture projects for organisations including Massey University, Vodafone and Air New Zealand. She got into the world of websites in her native UK, working on Wildscreen's ARKive project. After she arrived in Aotearoa, she spent four years looking after Te Papa's digital content, including the live broadcast of the colossal squid dissection. She's Springload's resident cephalopod expert.
She finds joy in a beautiful information architecture, but her desk is as messy as her websites are tidy.
TASKS. They are the fuel which powers our individual and team productivity. They are the lens through which we design experiences for users (their “jobs to be done”). Organisations obsess over cataloging and tracking them.But: We’re TERRIBLE at tasks. Apparently over 40% of tasks committed to a list never get done. Why?Well, tasks require a system. A strategy. Does your team have one? That works?Come hear about how information architecture can help teams and individuals grapple with tasks more effectively. And how we might apply similar principles to assist those using the experiences we build.